Consolidation by Drainage Systems - Maccaferri

 Consolidation by Drainage Systems

Ineffective rainwater run-off systems, leading to slope instability. In addition to stripping the surface of the land (either through development or natural processes) slope instability can be linked to ineffective management of rainwater run-off.

The construction of a simple system of rainwater drainage ditches and channels is often most effective. These channels may be subject to erosion and should be lined, or protected.

Our high-performance solution. Maccaferri has developed MacDrain® TD, a product used within trench drains or to replace traditional gravel or shingle drainage materials. These modern drainage materials reduce the quarrying and transportation of gravels to the project site, limiting the environmental impact. Furthermore, being manufactured in quality controlled factories and lab-tested, our drainage systems offer known drainage performance parameters, unlike traditional gravel drains.


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You can get in touch by calling +90 216 217 53 70

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