
Timber Crib
Maccaferri Timber Crib is a mass gravity retaining wall system of treated, interlocking, timber header and stretcher units which form a cribwork structure. This is then filled with granular durable stone. Simple and rapid to install by any competent contractor, Maccaferri Timber Crib is an effective retaining structure where the aesthetics of timber is desired. Corners and radii can also be incorporated within timber crib structures.Eco Shutters
Eco Shutters are used as short term retention panels for topsoil on slopes, or in conjunction with our gabion and Terramesh® structures.Eco Shutters are manufactured from willow cuttings tightly woven into a panel with ‘legs’ which can then be driven into the ground to form a retention fence for topsoil, or into the prepared face of a gabion to support topsoil on the face of the gabion structure. This can assist in the ‘greening-up’ of gabion structures for example.